The next level of your personal or professional life requires the next level of you
What are people saying about Lena’s training?
“Since working with Lena my business thrived. We tripled our turnover.”
— Bianca Tudor
CEO & Founder of Elite Business Women
“Lena helped me build a brand new business in the middle of a world pandemic and she has doubled my revenue.”
- Gabby Eckert
Stylist & Owner of Brave & Beautiful Boutique
“I can attribute a lot of my business success to Lena.”
— Phil Gee
Social Media Coach & Founder of Online Guru
One-to-One Strategy Session
$300 • 90 minute intensive breakthrough session
Break through your current ceiling and get into alignment
Discover blind spots and uncover hidden patterns holding you back
Create your custom elevation roadmap
Get specific strategies for immediate implementation
✓ Personalized action plan
✓ Access to self mastery tools, worksheets & meditations
✓ 21 day accountability follow-up call
Leverage Lena’s experience:
9 years running her own business.
10+ years coaching and training.
20 years of leadership, management, communication skills, work experience, etc.
Experienced in corporate leadership and small business management.
Impacting over 9 million people globally.
Speaking directly with thousands of businesses and professionals.
Coaching hundreds of people one-to-one.
Public speaking, social media, marketing, business formation, branding, website building, networking, and international relations.
Real People, Real Transformations…
“She over delivered and allowed our company to grow to a record month. reaching £6700 after constantly doing numbers around the £3000 mark. Lena was able to figure out the main obstacles in the business and spotted huge loop holes behind the scenes.
This was a phenomenal way to improve the situation further. We are now mentally stronger and under new improved company culture. Lena allows you to go for more.”
— Jay Lamusica
Founder of Shodement UK
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you. Before I came to Lena, I was feeling a bit lost in my business especially when it came to marketing, in particular, Social Media.
I have changed my outlook to marketing over social media and now not at all worried to do videos, FB lives with the boost of confidence; thanks to LENA.”
— Pranita Salunke
CEO of Vitality Health Clinic
“It was difficult to imagine to have a personal educational website to make physiology accessible for my students and share activities with my colleagues. But, fortunately, when I was worked with Lena Kay, my dream became a real project.”
— Dr Ahmed Hasan
Physiology Science Professor
Why is this right for you?
You can’t see your own blind spots
Knowledge and information alone isn’t enough, you need accountability
Progress faster with coaching
Identity work and transformation is hard, it’s better to do it together than alone
Connection is energy, this is a safe and supportive space with great energy
You’re ready for the next level and committed to your vision not limitations (coachable)
Consistent real and raw sessions that fuel your expansion